Rediscover ease through breathing and moving mindfully

Because life is sweet, and a lot of hard work.

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It’s hard to think clearly when we’re in fight-or-flight mode.

My marketing clients came to me with a common problem: they felt overwhelmed and stuck. I had the tools to help them get back on track professionally, but I also held space for them emotionally, which unlocked their connection to strategic thinking.

For years, I thought my work as a marketing strategist was separate from my practice as a yoga teacher. After the pandemic, the two merged together. I am here to help people stress less and enjoy more.

Mindfulness cultivates a deep sense of ease in our bodies, our mind, and our communities. If you want to learn how my work can help you or your team, send me a message.

I can’t wait to meet you!

Beginner’s mindset

My first yoga class was intimidating. Everyone looked so flexible, and they wore fancy yoga outfits. Then, my teacher said that there should be no comparisons in yoga, because “the true practice of yoga is inside your mind.” Ever since then, I’ve felt at home within my yoga practice, and I want to bring that feeling to everyone who practices with me. Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced student, we’re going to explore, grow, and have some fun.

– Katie Stover RYT-200
Recovering nervous-Nelly, trauma-sensitive yoga teacher
Marketing Strategist with
Wimbly Stoke

Stress relief for groups and workplaces

The pain of stress is felt across all jobs, industries and families. Yoga and meditation can help, although many people don’t feel comfortable in a yoga class. I want to make everyone feel comfortable walking into my classes or workshops, providing opportunities to find the balance between relaxation and challenge. Balancing experienced techniques and a joyful spirit, group classes allow an escape from stress and provide mindfulness tips that participants can practice at home.

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Looking for more?

  • Marketing with Wimbly Stoke

    Between the intensity of advertising, the relentlessness of branding, and the flagrant volatility of social media, marketing can be “too much.” We broke free of that stress cycle help others do the same. Visit us for branding, websites, or that unknown hurdle you have yet to find.

  • Sleep Meditations with SleepMore

    Coming May '24! Yoga Nidra, loosely translated as “yogic sleep,” is a deep relaxation practice and helpful for anxious sleepers. I am forever grateful for the impact it’s had on my life, and I can’t wait to share it with you (for free!). Email or follow @sleepmore to be notified of their release.

Taking care of your
body, mind, and spirit.

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